Education Consulting Services

Education Consulting Services

Leona Bee supports teacher development by providing ongoing, classroom-embedded support for the teaching of specific content and delivering effective instruction based on student data. We work to create an environment where teachers carefully take a risk and experiment with innovative teaching strategies. We strive to promote and improve capacity in the areas of: 

Adult and Student Social Emotional Development and Learning

Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Practices 

Early Childhood through grade 12 Education

Effective PLC's, TBT's and BLT's Practices

Parent Engagement

Understanding of Data Sources to Guide Instruction

Education Consulting Services

Leona Bee supports teacher development by providing ongoing, classroom-embedded support for the teaching of specific content and delivering effective instruction based on student data. We work to create an environment where teachers carefully take a risk and experiment with innovative teaching strategies. We strive to promote and improve capacity in the areas of: 

Adult and Student Social Emotional Development and Learning

Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Practices 

Early Childhood through grade 12 Education

Effective PLC's, TBT's and BLT's Practices

Parent Engagement

Understanding of Data Sources to Guide Instruction

Our research-based framework looks beyond the numbers to identify adult behaviors of change to improve overall student academics and behavior supports.

No matter what your age, learning about food should be fun. Let me help you explore the world of food! #foodeducationconsulting

Please contact 
Tawanna Williams at 
(614) 747-4005
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